A tasty, healthy bite.
South Tyrol is a reference point and an identity generator for all advertising initiatives related to the apple sector.
Given that one in every two apples sold in Europe comes from South Tyrol, the term “South Tyrol” is in itself a guarantee of top-quality apples. The PGI (Protected Geographical Indication”) label safeguards South Tyrolean apples as a regional agricultural product within the European Union, and only producers who fulfil the rigid production criteria are authorised to use “Südtiroler Apfel/Mela Alto Adige PGI” labelling.

An apple a day...
The Südtiroler Apfelkonsortium/Consorzio Mela Alto Adige – the South Tyrol Apple Consortium - has commissioned IDM to consolidate the positive image which has been built up over the years, both in the core markets and at local level. In our works to achieve this goal, we organise point-of-sale tasting sessions, advertising in sector-specific publications, participation in B2B events, PR and online campaigns and trade-fair attendance. Our budget is comprised of regional funding, EU grants and financial contributions from the Consortium itself.
The South Tyrolean Apple PGI initiatives are centred primarily on the South Tyrolean and German markets, and oriented towards journalists, opinion leaders, retail purchasers in the food sector and end consumers who prioritise product quality and origin.