Five bridges towards the future.

Our core topics are no less than five: South Tyrol brand, business development, internationalisation, digitalisation and sustainability.

Together with partners and stakeholders, we set the course for South Tyrol's sustainable economic development. We are working on targeted marketing to make South Tyrol and its products even stronger and to promote innovation and the internationalisation of companies and sectors. We are also working to accelerate digital transformation processes. All these activities are always linked by the common thread of sustainability.

Südtirol brand

South Tyrol as a strong regional brand

We are transforming the South Tyrol brand from a destination-focused identity into a comprehensive regional brand. Our aim is to position South Tyrol not only as a premium tourist destination, but also as a source of high-quality agri-food products and an innovative business location. To achieve this, we are strategically leveraging the brand across different sectors to maximise its impact and benefits for multiple industries.

Sector and business development

From inspiration to market launch

We are committed to the development of businesses and sectors. We focus on driving innovation through targeted initiatives at both company and sector level. We achieve this by launching cross-sector projects and promoting dialogue within the business community. We focus on key sectors in which South Tyrol excels and is a leader.


The world doesn’t end at the horizon line

Internationalisation is a key success factor for South Tyrol's economy. We support sectors and companies with targeted services and expertise to explore new channels, markets and platforms. Our goal is to increase export rates and market shares in all sectors - from crafts and industry to agriculture, tourism and services.


South Tyrol's path into the future

The speed and efficiency of digitalisation is crucial for South Tyrol's economic development. We support digital transformation by advising and guiding companies on their digital journey. In addition, our "Digital Ecosystem South Tyrol" is promoting a unique flagship project that will propel the region into the digital future.


The immense potential of South Tyrol

Sustainability is at the heart of all our initiatives and projects. We see sustainability as a balanced approach that integrates environmental, economic and social development in all areas. For South Tyrol, sustainability is a clear differentiator from other regions. Together with quality, it represents the greatest potential for every South Tyrolean product.


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