Terms of Use

General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

By visiting this website (no registration required) and by then using – free of charge – the media contained therein, the User hereby declares his consent to the following Terms of Use.

IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige (hereinafter referred to as "IDM") reserves the right to modify and/or update these Terms of Use, including even only individual provisions of it, at any time without notification. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or void, this shall not impact the validity of the remaining provisions.
What can be used?

IDM has all rights of use, including the right to transfer them to third parties, for the following items:

  • Text files,
  • Photos,
  • Image videos,
  • Raw material moving images,
  • Audio tracks, and
  • Graphic files.

(hereinafter referred to as "media").
All of the available media are protected by copyright.
The website and the software and database upon which it is based are protected by copyright. The provision of them for use in the context of these Terms of Use shall not be construed as a renouncement of the copyright.

What must be stated when publishing / using these media?

When publishing and/or using these media, the source and copyright holder shall be stated as follows:
"IDM Südtirol–Alto Adige/First name and surname of copyright holder".

This shall be stated at the following locations:

  • Directly, i.e., underneath or next to the given medium
  • In the official printing / publication information
  • In the case of social media channels, directly in the post.

Who may use the media and for what purpose?

Use shall be permitted exclusively for the following users and for the following purposes:

Users with headquarters outside South Tyrol:

  • Journalists / press agents / PR agencies for news reporting purposes pertaining to South Tyrol.
  • Travel agencies for advertising South Tyrol in the manner customary for this sector.

Users with headquarters in South Tyrol:

  • Authorized users of a brandmark from the umbrella brand (see also the example uses):
    • In the tourist sector (users of the umbrella brand) for site communication and communication of the travel-related topics;
    • In sector-related areas such as natural cosmetics, handicrafts, etc. (users of the umbrella brand) in site communication. I.e., only to communicate South Tyrol. Attention: The media may not be placed on product packaging or on the product itself.
    • In the agricultural sector (users of the quality seal Alto Adige, users of the protected geographical indications Speck Alto Adige IGP, Mela Alto Adige IGP and Wines Alto Adige DOC) for site communication and for presenting the product is entitled to bear the relative symbol. Attention: The media may not be placed on product packaging or on the product itself.
    • Commercial entities in the manufacturing sector and services (users of the business location seal) for site communication. Attention: The media may not be placed on product packaging or on the product itself.

Brandmark information and registration: www.marchioombrello-altoadige.it

What else must be noted when using the medium "Raw Material Moving Images?"

For the use of raw material moving images (i.e., aerial moving images, drone footage, and excerpts from image videos), the following Terms of Use shall apply:

  • The use of the raw material shall be limited to 12 months.
  • The user may not use a total exceeding 3 (three) minutes of raw material.
  • When using the raw material for videos, the final product shall not consist exclusively of this raw material. A maximum of 30 percent of the video may consist of the raw material. Any additional use must be agreed upon with IDM in advance.
  • The unaltered raw material shall not be published or transferred to third parties.
  • The following applies to the final product created on the basis of the raw materials in keeping with the aforementioned terms and conditions:
    • The creator of the final product consisting, inter alia, of this raw material, is the copyright holder, who therefore retains all rights (including exclusivity, unrestricted use, transfer to third parties). Thus, the final product may be published for the agreed upon purpose even without restriction.
    • E.g., second and multiple re-broadcasts of the final video in the context of a TV show or film production, also in a network of allied broadcasters, and in the Internet, is expressly permitted.

What else must be noted when using the medium "Image Video?"

It is not permitted for image videos to be either processed or modified. Additional videos about and from South Tyrol can be found at the YouTube channel "Südtirol Bewegt". A hyperlink to them can be embedded (e.g., websites, newsletters, social networks). These videos shall not be processed or otherwise modified.

Prohibited use

  1. Any use beyond the above, in particular for commercial purposes directly related to the media (e.g., the sale of an image, an album, a calendar, a postcard, use as cover of a book/magazine, etc.), is not permitted.
  2. The use of the media to promote one's own offer or product is not permitted (e.g. social media post to promote one's own product, cover image of product brochure, etc.).
  3. The use of the media for the purpose of election advertising or for other political purposes is not permitted.
  4. The media must be used appropriately. This means that the media must not be associated with pornographic, racist or right-wing extremist contents or any contents representing a violation of law and good practices.
  5. The use of the media to endanger or injure the reputation and prestige of South Tyrol and/or of IDM is expressly prohibited.
  6. The transmission of media to third parties, especially through sale, and the duplication of the media as well as the archiving of the media on one's own storage devices are prohibited.
  7. The provided media must not be modified, processed, redesigned, or manipulated, with the exception of raw material moving images (see above).

Any use not expressly permitted in these Terms of Use requires the prior, expressed, written consent of IDM. Any non-allowed transmission of the provided media to non-authorized third parties or any non-allowed use are prohibited. IDM reserves the right to investigate any suspected misuse or significant violation of these Terms of Use.

Indemnification for claims made by third parties and liability

IDM shall not be liable for any disregard of the duties derived from these Terms of Use. The user, exclusively, shall be liable to compensation for damages vis-à-vis any third parties. The user thus exempts IDM from any and all claims made by third parties.

Final provisions

Exclusively Italian law shall apply to these Terms of Use and all legal relations between the user and IDM. In the event that any individual provisions of these Terms of Use should be are become invalid or incomplete, the applicability of the remaining Terms of Use shall remain in force. To the extent permitted by law, the place of performance and jurisdiction for any and all disputes with IDM shall be Bozen / Bolzano.

Example uses

I am an accommodation company, but I am not registered on the umbrella brand portal. May I nevertheless use the media?

No. Here you can register on the umbrella brand portal: www.marchioombrello-altoadige.it

I offer accommodations: May I use all of the photos from the media portal?

Yes. The photos may be used for websites, social media and brochures. The photos may not be used for advertisements and campaigns (neither print nor web).

I am a video producer. May I cut a completely new video using the raw material moving images?

No, the new video may consist of a maximum of 30% raw material moving images and may not contain more than 3 minutes of such material. A minimum of 70% of the video must therefore originate from different sources.

I offer accommodations. May I cut sequences from the finished image videos to use them in another video?

No. Only the raw material moving images are available.

I am a farmer from Vinschgau/Val Venosta and a user entitled to use the quality seal Alto Adige. Which photos may I use?

Only the following kinds of photos may be used:

  • Photos which depict either South Tyrol as the country of origin of your product or which depict your company's business location (e.g., a landscape photo of Vinschgau/Val Venosta);
  • Photos which depict the product (e.g., the product itself, people enjoying the product, the production process, quality control, work steps, animals, etc.).
I am a user entitled to use the protected geographical indications Speck Alto Adige IGP, Mela Alto Adige IGP and Wines Alto Adige DOC. Which photos may I use?

Only the following kinds of photos may be used:

  • Photos which depict either South Tyrol as the country of origin of your product or which depict your company's business location (e.g., a landscape photo);
  • Photos which depict the product (e.g., a glass of wine, an aperitif scene with Speck, work steps in the apple orchard, a cow in the alpine landscape, etc.).
Ich bin eine Tourismusorganisation aus dem Eisacktal. Darf ich Fotos verwenden, die Meran zeigen?

Ja, aber nur, wenn inhaltlich auch über Meran berichtet wird.

For what purposes may tourism organizations use the photos?

The photos may be used for websites, social media and brochures. The photos may also be used for advertisements and campaigns (print and web) – however, the photos used must clearly pertain to your material (e.g., an advertisement on the topic of "Springtime in Meran/Merano" may not include a photo depicting the Dolomites in the springtime).

I am the proprietor of a carpentry shop located in Val Gardena and am entitled to use the "South Tyrol" business location seal. May I use photos from the Mediaportal?

Yes, if the photos help showing that your company is situated in South Tyrol.

I am a journalist or travel agency. Do I have to register with the umbrella brand portal in order to use media from the media portal?


I operate a tourism information and/or booking platform. May I use photos from the Mediaportal for the platform?

Yes, but exclusively for the representation of the South Tyrol region on the website, meaning the photos may be used for the communication of regions/locations and travel themes (hiking, cycling, etc.). The photos may not be used in the header/footer of the website. The photos may not be used for any commercial purpose (e.g., in connection with accommodations, for the sale of vouchers, or similar) or for advertisements and campaigns (neither print nor web). The use of the photos on social media is not permitted. For the website, no more than 30% of the photos may come from the Mediaportal. Any further use must be agreed upon in advance with IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige.

In special cases, or if you are unsure about whether you may use any materials, please contact us at the following address: foto-video(at)idm-suedtirol.com.


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